Unplugged 6


What are you looking for?

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Volunteer Application

Unplugged is looking for you! We’re looking for great people who would love to help out at our event. Volunteers are entitled to pass refunds, and more!

Volunteers are required to do a minimum of two shifts, one of which must be on Friday. We also require volunteers to provide a $20 deposit. The deposit will be returned after completing two shifts. If you are interested, please complete the form below. More information will be provided via email.

Please fill out the information below

Volunteer's Full Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Age
You must be 16 years old or have your parents permission to volunteer

Your Telephone Number
(Optional) If we ever need to contact you directly

What kind of experience do you have with conventions?
I.e. have you ever volunteered for other events like Anime North, Con Bravo, Ad Astra, Fan Expo Etc.

Have you ever Volunteered at Unplugged or Cosplay Matsuri before?

Please tell us about any skills, training, or experience you have which may be applicable
Are you certified in CPR for example?

What is your main area of interest at the event?
Where would you like to be placed as a volunteer?

Can you assist us with the setup and closing (tearing down) during and after the event?

Do you have any medical issues we should know about?
This is kept confidential and is for your own safety. If you have no conditions please answer no.

Are you registered for Unplugged?
This will help us to identify you.


Additional Comments?

If you have any additional questions please email us directly volunteer@unpluggedexpo.com